Sicily 2001
by Andrei Rublev
Erice's Grid
Sunday, September 23rd
Early envigorating walk in Erice. Bigger than it seems. The garbage bags hang on the wall so the many cats and dogs of Erice don't make a mess. The pavement is a grid made of stones.
In order for the EU to work every citizen of every EU country must play a schizophrenic game that involves having at least two identities. Fully accepting to be a eurpean citizen while keeping a strong awareness of cultural and historical heritage.
Hotel Moderno provides an OK room with a wonderful little balcony which sits one for about $110.
We follow the coast in the direction of Palermo, through Piana Delle L'Albanesi and a very disappointing Corleone. Norman Lewis warned us about the change that this town has undergone in his book "In Sicily" (2000) (ISBN 0-330-37552-0).
We stay the night in Sciacca at the Grand Hotel of the Thermal Baths (room 105, with a nice view on the sea, above the entrance, was $120), a nice example of mid-sixties architecture.
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