Disorient 02
by Andrei Rublev
Sunday, August 25th, 2002
The Bass has arrived during the night and with him the big (outdoor) sound system.
We wake up with the sun and frantically start to assemble the Wall and the Stage. Three hours later the job is done.
The first Arena is enlarged to add more space in front of the stage. This actually reconciles Glen's bus with the rest of the Arena.
Leo and Artur then mylarize the RV. Not as easy a job as I thought it would be. Then we work on the inside. The idea this year is to cover the floor with astroturf to de-nightmarize the clean-up session.
Vrock arrives at dusk. They set-up the Vrock lounge with Jason and Cricket.
The truck breaks on the way back from the Empire storage unit. We finally have our bikes and start exploring the Playa starting with 300 degree (the supposedly big sound area) where Artur has a gig tonight (Den of Innequity) then visit the Dome People on 30 all the way out.
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