[ Tavern | Tree | Cops | Grrl | Bagel | West side ]
We go from one beautilly kitsch window to another.
We don't get a lot of skating done so far
but I don't really mind.
Being surrounded by pedestrian is not
a claustrophobic experience for the skater.
Not only do we go fast from one window to the next,
from one block to the next,
but we also are so tall on our wheels
that we can see over everybody's head.

And suddenly here she was.
There must have been at least thrity people
in front of that window
but I am the one she was looking at.
Not only that but her gaze followed me as I passed by.
She had fabricated a little rotating gazebo
just for that purpose.
I had to stop.
But when I got closer she turned around.
Now I really need a bagel.