--- On 12-07-96 pxr5 at webspan.net (Rob Whiting) said: You make me sort of wish I lived in NYC. --- On 12-12-1996 lozada at pipeline.com (Leo Lozada) said: I love, love, love Flyvision's coverage of Tuesday Night Skates (TNS). The photos are great, but the running commentaries are wonderful. They entertain while eliciting fond memories of the skates. BTW: How do you keep from sweating too much on a cold TNS? I can definitely use some advice! So far the only time I didn't oversweat is when I underdressed on a windy, below 30 degree TNS. That night I froze everytime we stopped for a skating break. I don't recommend underdressing as a solution to oversweating on a cold night. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Leo. It took me a few skates to realize that if I didn't want to sweat (too much) I just had to stop (read: control my instincts) when the fastest skaters of the group start to accelerate. For instance when I'd rather not sweat, I skate at a comfortable pace along 20th Ave in Queens instead of following the craze. |