Web-specific art ............... produced by Pierre de Kerangal
February 18th to March 28th, 1997
Galerie Pierre Nouvion - 3, Avenue de l'Hermitage - 98000 Principaute de Monaco
tel: (377) 93 25 70 75 - fax: (377) 93 50 92 83
Since 1994 only one event has consistently captured the state-of-the-art in Web-specific art. Flyvision Expo has been accepted by the entire Web-specific art scene and its most prolific artists and audience as the definitive Scene Event.
That's why once a year, forward-thinking artists, collaborators and virtual collectors converge on Flyvision Expo to learn about advances in Web-specific art and the creators behind them. No other Web-specific art event has the breadth and depth of information. And, no other Web-specific art exhibition has so many artists (over 1) showcasing so many Web-supportive art works (over 1500 Web documents).
Unlike most other events, Flyvision Expo isn't a show-within-a-show or a conference track tacked on to take advantage of Internet hype. Flyvision Expo is THE show, THE exhibition for artists, collaborators and collectors whose ironic ideas depend on the Web for their success.
It is truly 100% pure World Wide Web, yo!
What's up at this year's Expo?
Plenty. Over 100% more Web presentations and Palaces, artworks to which you will contribute and help evolve.
Who should attend Flyvision Expo?
Whether you currently or plan to develop a new aesthetic based on the disappearance (not in a metaphorical sense this time) of the art object, are in desperate need of participating to Web-specific art and are not connected at home, hack systems to narrowcast Web-specific art, use the Net for meditation, invest in bed-like input devices, or listen to illbient, experimental jungle, hypnotic trance, progressive "morFLY" trance and other microscopic sub-categories of electronic music you'll find everything you need at Flyvision Expo 97.
Cannot attend?
Chill, just point your browser to www.flyvision.org, feedback and enjoy the show.
(text lifted from the Internet World 1996 catalog)
Read the description of the Expo then look at the background of the flyer and let me tell you why I decided to produce FLEX97 at Pierre Nouvion's gallery. Or do it all in a different order.