Esplanade 255

2002 - 2003 - 2004
Conceptual Framework

Urban Plan
Sound System
The Dome
The Wall & the Stage
The Lounge
The Cool Bubble
Mobile Unit


New Forum (test)
Photo Base
Slide Show

Life On DisOrient by Bacchus

It is always great to see stuff that has just happened at Burning Man projected on the Dome. The burn for instance... We should have someone documenting events so we can play them back, make them part of the mix. We need documentation volunteers.

Faces is a project Leo started last year. Portraits of people are shot on the playa, close up. They are all put together as a giant movie that is projected on the Dome. Nice homage to the people who made Disorient and Burning Man happen.

Examples of Disorient documentation: Leo and Andrei (submit url)

Time lapse photography of the camp. We would like to document life at Disorient during the entire week from as many perspectives as possible. A safe way (for the equipment) to do this is to set-up a camera in the window of a vehicle, preferably an RV so the perspective is broader first thing when you arrive and take it down last before you leave.

Next: Container »

You can help

Volunteer for any of the following:

Documentation. (Terri Ferrari) We need more volunteers to shoot video and take pictures. After the festival, please send video (rushes and/or edits) to Leo and stills to The Eye to be included in the Disorient archive.

Time lapse photography. Josh Goldberg will have one set-up (Josh wrote a Max app running on Macs). Email Josh if you are bringing your Mac with USB camera to the playa so he can send you his app that will enable you to do time lapse photography.

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Copyleft 2002 Anakin Koenig