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The Dangers of Using Fake ID with a New Identity

Building a new identity on fake ID is a tricky business. In our experience, forged ID is of limited value as it won't withstand close scrutiny.

No matter how you plan to live your new life, eventually one or more of your identity documents will come under close scrutiny. It might happen when you apply for an apartment lease, when you attempt to open a bank account or when a cop pulls you over out on the highway. However it happens, you can be sure that someday soon someone is going to take a long and careful look at your new identity documents. And when push comes to shove - fake ID will prove itself worthless or worse yet downright dangerous. In some areas, simply being caught with fake ID in your possession can get you arrested.

And be careful who you buy your fake new identity documents from. Some of those people who offer to sell you fake ID on the street are working with detectives and will either have you arrested when you pick up your new identity documents or will routinely forward the personal information you give them to the FBI. Also, some of the most authentic new identity documents you'll be offered may actually be genuine documents that are unfortunately stolen and therefore useless.

If you seriously want to wipe the slate clean and get a second chance at life, you're going to need a full set of genuine new identity documents including a new drivers license, a new social security card and new bank credit cards. You'll never be secure living a new life under forged identity documents. A new identity is like a new house, if it's to last it must be built on a solid foundation.

This is not to say that fake ID is entirely worthless. It's not. In the early stages of creating a new identity, a fake drivers license can be used to help obtain a mail box which can then be used as a home address when applying for genuine identity documents. If carefully used fake ID can be quite useful while you wait for the arrival of real identity documents.

Be very careful when purchasing fake identity documents. Don't believe all the advertising hype. Most of the fake ID out there is of very poor quality. This stuff is so bad that some of the fake drivers licenses I've seen look like they were created by children and so have no real value whatever.

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