Wednesday July 31st, 1996
One thing at a time.
I like to drink as I walk but this might be a New Yorker habit
and while in Piemonte I guess I should stop trying to do several things at once.
Now I'm incredibly thirsty.
I've walked in the center of Torino for several hours
without finding a place (like a NYC deli or a French Casino)
where I could buy a simple bottle of Lurisia.

So here I am, having a large glass of aqua minerale gazzata
at the cool terrace of Bar Roma (via Pietro MICCA & via CERNAIA).
Last time I was in Torino
I had noticed those two 19th century guards
dressed for sophisticated horse riding
(white leather accessories, white gloves, silver spurs...)
walking slowly in the streets.
Here they are again passing in front of me,
discussing life with a superior attitude.
They are both around 6.2 feet
and seem to have dropped here from another time
without realizing at all what happened to them.
They almost act as if we (the 1996 people)
were out of place.
As I'm having a ball imagining their story
I look at the arcades that are part of the "Fractal ride".
Suddenly I have a doubt.