Friday July 5th, 1996
Fractal ride: the dry tour of Torino center.
There is something very special to be done in Torino.
It is a playful way of visiting the city (the center at least).

Here is what to do:
1. Find a street with arcades on both sides of the road (I started my own visit from via Roma).
2. Start walking in any direction.
3. When you reach a corner make a 90 degree turn if the arcades continue
on the same pavement in the perpendicular street
or cross the street and keep going straight if they don't.
4. If there is no arcade in any of the three directions
cross the street and walk it back on the other side.
The goal is to always be walking under the arcades
and you'll get the bonus if it snows or rain
because you won't have to carry an umbrella.
You'll pass by many old bars, pasticceria and opticians.
If you want to accentuate the fractal effect
walk inside the galleries within the blocks.