Don't get me wrong
dinner is not the only activity of the day...
most of the time.
It's just that socializing is a big part
of the activities of the French Riviera insider.
Many of my friends live elsewhere now
and the beginning of the summer usually brings us back together.
This summer especially as my good friends
Albert and Sarita are getting married.
This table is our contribution to the global village.
Clockwise from the bald:
Ku & Michelle: Amsterdam
Sarita: Monaco
Maru: Uruguay
Ian: Paris and South America
Anne: New York, Monaco
Xoon: Goa (India), Eze (France)
Pierre: Monaco, St Tropez, Western capitals
Gioa: Monaco, New York
Albert: Monaco
Bob: Monaco
Toti: Uruguay, Ibiza (Spain)
Speed: Monaco
Alice: Jersey (England).
The character with the Underground Resistance T-shirt
doesn't live in Detroit.