Thursday July 20th, 1995
Ibiza: Flower Power at Pacha.
Speed, Xoon and Albert pick us up at Ibiza's airport.
They've had breakfast at Space before coming.
The first thing they say is:
"Tonight's the night."
It is the first, and usually the best,
Flower Power party of the summer at Pacha.
We spend the day between the beach and our pool.
Xoon introduces us to the bocadillos (Spanish sandwiches)
and I sleep on the terrace until sunset.
I wake up just after the sun is behind the hill.
There is no sound at all.
It is almost scary
especially when I think of the night
--my first Ibiza night--
that is about to begin.
We have a typical dinner
on the beach of a cape
near Las Salinas where our villa sits.
Everybody seem to know everybody.
Xoon and Albert are insiders.
We immerse into the night.
The first club we visit is the latest on the island.
Half indoor, half outdoor, it is in the midst
of the port of Ibiza (Eivissa).
It is a huge patchwork of textures and colors
with many bars patched onto the patchwork.
It is around 2:00 am and the night almost didn't start yet.
We all sit at the outside bar
where the South American posse usually hangs out.
Ester, the Italian barmaid
lives in the appartment below our villa.
The drink tonight is the "chupito" (shot) of vodka.
More people--friends of friends--join our group.
Everybody is surprisingly open and friendly.
Patrick, a local, and his German girl friend
from NYC acts as our host.
The Privilege is the new name of Ku
but everybody keeps calling this giant Ku.
There are several hundred people at the front door.
Everybody will get in.
Ku can hold several thousand people
7, 8 or more I don't remember...
Patrick leads us behind the parking lot
into a dark alley
to a door
which he opens with a key.
We all get in.
We've just entered Ku by the back door.
A nice key to have ;)
The house and hard-house that spins at Ku
is pure gold for the North-European crowd
but is a little too aggressive for us Goa Trance addicts.
We drive from club to club in Xoon's Pop Top
(You know those VW bus from the 60's...)
which is a real floating chill-out room.
Flower Power at Pacha is very colorful.
People there play the 60's and 70's game.
More than half of the 4000 clubbers
are dressed-up for the occasion.

Unlike Webster Hall (11th Street, NYC)
on Thursday night
where the same kind of music is played
Flower Power's ambience is childish
and Flower Childs have a smile on their face.
This is refreshing.
The professionalism of big US clubs
didn't inspire Pacha.
two days ago