Thursday August 17th, 1995
Monaco: Jan and Sisi for Dinner.
Many projects are presented and discussed.
We compare our G-SHOCKs
(I bought this one earlier this summer in rave of the Col de Vence
were with all were
without knowing that
the other was there too.
Jan is responsible
for most of the French traffic
on my site.
The site that your are surfing
is cited several times
(on paper and on CD-ROM)
in the August/September edition
of the French Wired
UniversInteractif (Culture & technologies interactives).
I hope this will bring
more interesting comments on my work...
What I wrote in "The Noise of the Intermediate"
is happening.
The Net allows digital artists
to present their work
immediately ;) to the audience.
I guess I should write in French too...