The Syber Bubbhas ov Monaco Mailing List
The SBM list is a low-volume, unmoderated forum. The mailing list is the best way to communicate with people interested and involved in the SBM project. For instance the SBM Temple has been discussed a lot lately.
List Commands
To get on and off the list you need to send an email message with your command. The email message goes to, and the command, which must go in the body of the email, can be anyone of the following:
Getting on the list: Send the commandSUBSCRIBE SBM Your Full Name Do not put your email address. If you do, your mail will be returned unprocessed.
Getting off the list: Send the commandUNSUBSCRIBE SBM
Getting Help: The full set of list commands and a copy of the guidelines are included in the welcome message. You can also get this by sending the commandINFO SBM
If you have questions, comments, or complaints about the list, contact the List-Buddha.