Wednesday June 12th, 1996
Pool issues.

There are three problems with our pool design.
1. It is too big.
The law doesn't allow the construction outside the house
to be more than 30% of the surface of the house itself.
2. It is too high.
The same law doesn't allow the construction outside the house
to be higher than 70 centimeters above existing ground level.
3. According to the local laws the pool cannot be blue!
Reducing the pool should not be too difficult
as it is very large the way we designed it.
Making it lower breaks the continuity
between the inside and the outside of the house
and dividing the pool in two levels
would be very unfortunate.
This image shows the existing state.
We really need your input on this one.

Date: 02-25-1997 7:31 PM
From: (Patricia Humiston)
Your pool is beautiful. Unfortunately, I have no reconstruction suggestions.
Can you apply for a variance? I'm sure you have already
thought of this, so is there an appeal process? As much as I hate to
suggest this, retaining a lawyer (a politically well connected one) to
push hard for a variance. Legal fees might be less than any pool
reconstruction. Question: Is this a city code or homeowners association
rule? I have a friend who works in a city government office who has also
been a paralegal for 25 years. I would be glad to ask advice as well as
their code enforcement department and one of the city council members, who
owns a pool company.