- Opcode Systems: the people who distribute MAX.
- Navigating Global Cultures: Artists, Educators and Technology. Linking universities and individuals around the globe.
- Some NYU's ITP Students are getting involved in this project.
- Yorb has been offered to become the electronic link between the participants.
- Artists
- Maths and Images
- Archives of Art
- Museums and Exhibits
- Storytelling
- WWW Artists Consortium
- Grants for artists
- Artists' forums
- Artistic Collaborative Projects
- Art Sites (list stolen from a nice Spanish site that will not be happy when it sees that).
AIR Arte Independiente en la Red
Spanish site conceived as a space for exchange and communication between independent websites dealing with art issues from a varied range of perspectives. Access to all the sites participating. Spanish.
Arte y pensamiento contemporáneo
Interactive space for the exchange of thought and creative experiences. It is organized in areas: projects in "Web Art", texts about on-line art as a new form of creation in "Pensamiento", the magazine "Acción Paralela" with essays and art theory, and a section called Aleph which explains the conceptual and visual origin of their project. Spanish.
- Canadian site dedicated to creation on the Web: interactive projects, poetry, texts, etc. It is also a mega-directory of sites related to contemporary art. English.
- Art Dirt
- Art site with a large number of video and audio files of all the actions, performances, conferences and exhibitions organized in their center in New York. A space produced by G. H. Hovagimyan, an inquisitive multimedia artist and critic, co-editor of The Thing and professor of computer art in the School of Visual Arts of New York. Also involved in this project Adrianne Wortzel, artist specialized in robotic installations, and Robbin Murphy, designer of the site. English.
- Artnetweb
Interesting site conceived by writers and art critics. Theoretical texts on art in the digital era. Also on-line projects. English.
- Arts Wire: Online Communications for the Arts
- Site of the New York Foundation for the Arts created for the dissemination of art and as a source of information. It includes artists' pages, the magazine "Current" and an exhaustive on-line database on contemporary art. English.
- Babelweb
- French site conceived as a database which puts together theoretical and political texts with multidisciplinary artworks producing a coherent body in which art is linked to the social context that originates it. French.
- CAS. Contemporary Art Site.
- Artists, galleries, musems, organizations, projects and publications. English.
- Chimera
- Experimental project developed by students of The Faculty of Creative Arts in The University of Wollongong. Includes an archive and a gallery. English.
- Connect-Arte
Site dealing with the current state of contemporary art: Information on the latest virtual exhibitions, forums, congresses, cultural and artistic magazines. Also an on-line magazine. Spanish and English.
- Digital History
Interesting site for the analysis and criticism of digital art. Hypertexts. It is an iniciative of the Centrum Beeldende Kunst in Holland.
- Contemporary art site dedicated to the visual arts, cinema, video, audio, and texts. They are specially interested in the diffussion of works of difficult access or distribution, and censured ones. It includes an on-line magazine, an area of experimental music, a guide to cultural resources, and a file of tools for research. Fantastic design. English.
fineArt forum online
Virtual space for art, science, and technology. It contains a gallery,
a magazine, and a directory. Direct link to ISEA (Inter Society for Electronic
Art). English.
Foundation for Digital Culture
Association promoting the culture of on-line art and which includes the main digital art organisations in New York. An excellent meta-site of artistic areas.
Stad Berlin
Founded in 1994, This site features a large number of projects and artists'
pages. German and English.
Beautifully designed pages dealing with
contemporary art projects, actions, and radio research. Created by the
slovene Igor Stromajer whose philosophy is based on the "ascetic and interactive
aesthetics". I believe in intimacy, individualism, cooperation, communication,
erotism, ascetism, orgasm, concept, pleasure, media, fantasy and research.
Independent site for art and literature. Links to Mundo Latino (Hispanic
website) and to the magazine Amsterdam Sur. Spanish.
Peninsulares. Video
"There was an urgent need of a space for exchange, debate and dissemination
of video-work -and on other audiovisual, digital and electronic formats-
, so that's what drew us to create the site". This is an independent self-sustained
site, run by Maite Cajaraville, Francisco Felipe, Raúl Bajo, Jaime
Vallaure, Javier Codesal,y Gabriel Corchero. Right now they have a section
for Thought, other for Information on festivals and symposiums, a debate
forum on video issues, and they are eagerly waiting for your contributions.
Site that promotes the interaction between visual artists and writers.
There is an art laboratory, a gallery, 3 magazines, etc. English.
Public Domain
Site created by a group of experimental musicians interested in multimedia
art. Public Domain explores the interface between Art, Theory, Technology
and Community. Also an interesting publication: Perforations.
OTIS: Operative Term Is Stimulate. Site with images and information
on interactive art, and meeting place for artists. Directory of links,
and tematic files. English.
Arte y tecnología
An interesting site which describes itself as an area of intersection
between art and technology. A space for contact between artists and new
media: debates, analysis, and production. Spanish.
I lost track of this Web site a few months ago and I am delighted
to have found it once again. The site contains various pieces of contemporary
art, among which one should mention works by David Askevold and Louise
Lawler (an amusing audio piece in which the names of famous artists
turn into bird song) and Allan McCollum (a collection of articles on dinosaur
footprints). The Archive section includes various types of audio-visual
material and interviews. English.
Organization created to "inform women of the jewels of audiovisual technology
in the Internet" (sic). English and French.
Site devoted to creation and exhibition. It includes 3 works: "Lupus
Viator", "Lost in Heaven" and the page of the performance group La Fura
dels Baus. Spanish.
*The Thing. New York
Alternative site for on-line art created in 1992 by Wolfang Staehle. Texts, on-line magazines and projects, etc.. English. There are other "The Thing" sites in Berlín,
Basel and
The Thing Viena.Alternative space containing 3 on-line magazines, theoretical texts, projects, and multimedia. English and German.
- The X-Art Foundation/Blast
The X-Art Foundation discusses the nature of art and its socio-cultural function. Blast can be a magazine, an artist's book, a scientific project, or a mobile space for exhibitions, depending on the user's preferences and the reception place. Jordan Crandall. English.
Universes in Universe. Mundos del Arte
Website designed to be a space for cultural exchange with Africa, Asia/Pacific and Latin America. It has the following sections: Art in Data Is an art directory specific for these continents, and Action Art contains worldwide multiculture concious art. There is a special area for the Documenta X and a debate Forum about the cultural presence of these continents in the art world. Spanish, English, and German.
A site dedicated to art criticism and to the Internet. It defines itself as a mixture of magazine and experimental laboratory as well as a platform for professionals involved in art and the media. ìWHY NOT SNEEZE? aims to explore the possibilities and limitations of the medium, however we are not interested in copying fine artwork just to show it on the Internet. After all, one can see pictures and sculptures in galleries. What interests us are artistic projects and theories which make innovative use of the unique possibilities of the mediumî. I am sure that goes for us too. English and Dutch.
Zero One
Canadian site (Toronto) about artists, galleries and art organizations.
Also a debate forum. English.
Art On The Edge
Website that explores the intersection between art and science. English.
Art in NYC
- The 92nd Street Y Tisch Center for the Arts
Since 1874, the 92nd St Y has presented internationally acclaimed musical artists to the public in one of the world's finest concert halls, the Kaufmann Concert Hall.
- Ada Web, Inc.
Working with contemporary artists to develop medium-specific projects. The site hosts several projects by many artists.
- American Council for the Arts (ACA)
ArtsUSA is the WWW site of the American Council for the Arts (ACA) on the
Internet. ArtsUSA provides advocacy information (Congressional committees, how
to contact members, current legislation regarding arts funding, and more).
Barbara Streisand's recent speech promoting the NEA at Harvard University, the
ACA Catalog of books, the ArtsUSA Cafe discussion group and Arts Education all
can be found on ArtsUSA. Soon to come is a national directory of Arts Resources
and the ACA Clearinghouse of arts policy data.
- Animation
from the School for Visual Arts.
- Art Crimes: New York City, New York USA
A gallery of grafitti art from New York City. It's called "Art Crimes" because in most places, painting grafitti is illegal. Many of these pieces no longer exist in the real world.
- Artliaison
A service designed to facilitate communication between artists, galleries, art lovers, and art-related companies.
- Art of Joan Stennick
Recent works of this NYC painter. Big, dark and strange.
- The
Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective
An HTML article authored by CUNY Historian of Science, Joseph W. Dauben. It is a prototype of a hypermedia journal article.
- Artix
Artix contains the home pages of the first internationally-known art galleries on the Web. One of the largest collections of art on the Web, Artix currently contains 112 images of work by 30 artists.
- The Artslink Artist in Residence Program
Museums, galleries, and artists in residence sponsored by Time Warner Electronic Publishing
- Arts Wire
Online commuications for the arts -- Arts Wire is a national computer-based communications network for the arts community. It is designed to enable artists, individuals, and organizations in arts communities across the country to better communicate, share information, and coordinate their activities. It provides immediate access to news, information, and dialogue on conditions affecting the arts and artists today.
- Cesium133
Electronic art gallery including painting, photography, and works on paper.
- Chisholm Prats Gallery
With 20 years of establishment in the vintage poster market, Chisholm Prats Gallery is one of the most acclaimed vendors of the industry featuring a vast collection of turn of the century, products, air-line, ocean-liner, WWI and WWII, theatrical and musical, magic and movie posters which cover over one hundred years of poster making history.
- Coda Enterprises
Coda Enterprises is an agency providing full-service representation for artists and writers. Coda's divisions include: Imago Lecture Bureau, Hillside Public Relations and Image/World Syndication Services.
- Comtemporary Arts Site. Institutional art.
- Dia Center for the Arts
A multi-disciplinary contemporary arts organization. The name Dia, taken from the Greek word meaning "through," was chosen to suggest our role as the conduit or means for realizing extraordinary projects.
- A Gathering of the Tribes
A diverse, cross-generational group of artists and writers whose main purpose is to showcase their work. Working together, they deal with shared problems and search for solutions in the larger arts world.
A New York City based not-for-profit dedicated to introducing young artists to young collectors -- Contains information on artists, events and membership.
- Handmade Frames
Custom made frames for fine art -- Each piece is carefully measured and planned. Then the materials for the frame and matte are selected. After approval by the customer, we build the frame. Their work has been seen in the New York Times, House and Garden, and Architectural Digest, and their works hang in the homes of some of the most prominent persons in and around New York City.
New York's only organizationally collaborative art center and
has quickly grown to become one of the largest contemporary art
presenters in lower Manhattan. Beginning with our gala opening in
September 1993 drawing over 2,000 guests in one weekend, HERE has
presented the work of 750 different artists and arts groups to an
audience of approximately 30,000.
- Kitchen
Home page for The Kitchen Center for Video, Music, Dance, Performance, Literature and Film. The site contains information about The Kitchen, it's latest schedule, and its catalog of Video art containing 400+ titles. Videos, books and other merchandise can be ordered via the web.
- Laszlo Tar
Exhibits of fine art by Laszlo Tar, a post-impressionist painter and expressive graphic artist living in New York City. Works include watercolors, oils, ink drawings, and woodcut prints.
- Markel/Sears Works on Paper
Almost 50 images by over 30 artists from an established gallery in New York specializing in unique work on paper by emerging artists.
- Morris Healy Gallery
530 W 22nd Street, New York, NY 10001
- Mythopoeia
Mythopoeia, a new work in four parts by photographer Suza Scalora, puts
a modern face on many familiar mythological and historical figures and
also gives birth to several new creatures. The word Mythopoeia comes
from the Greek and it means "the making of myths." Scalora makes myths
by depicting the strength, evil, beauty, power, and "otherworldliness"
of fairies, deities, vampires, and other monsters. Viewers move through
four chapters -- The Holy, The Damned, The Immortals and The Fables --
and they have a sense that the shadowy world of their imagination is
coming to life around them, as though these images are archetypes that
always existed and Scalorais merely illuminating them at www.myth.com.
- New York Art
NYAL is a gopher providing art and art resources on the Internet. NYAL is primarily a connection to these resources - one stop shopping - as it were. In addition to simply pointing to other resources, NYAL is an area where Arts organizations, NYC Area Artists, and Artists who work with Technology can post information.
- New York Foundation for the Arts
The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is a nonprofit arts service organization, one of the largest providers of grants and services to individual artists and their organizations in all artistic disciplines in the United States. Through its fellowships, residencies, sponsored projects, management services, loans, information and advocacy services, the Foundation works with artists and arts organizations throughout New York State and other parts of the country to bring the work of contemporary artists to the public.
- PaceWildenstein
- Parallel Media
The first level in a multi-dimensional online experience.
- The Pedestrian Project
Images and information about an ongoing public art performance involving costumed characters resembling those on pedestrian crossing signs.
- Pin Cushion
Every few weeks this space will feature the work of a different artist or writer. Sometimes a group of artists will all be here at once, if their work is dealing with similar themes.
- Friedrich Pretzel Gallery
26 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10013
- Sandra Morton Fine Arts
The Balinese Art Gallery
- Soho Print and Poster Shop
- The Soundbite Kiss
An online gallery, featuring lots of digital collage, photography, and a little writing.
- Techno-Impressionist Art
There are now 22 rooms in the gallery, each with five images. One of the largest art sites on the web. Also added: Quotes from artists, including the Techno-Impressionists; Some notes, including the history of Techno-Impressionism (Still being written); A poem called "Kissing God."
- Teryl Dayton Healy Fine Arts
- The Thing
A Web site and BBS, with nodes throughout Europe and America, that encourages discourse amongst artists and other professionals and provides a platform for the development of new forms of creative communication.
- Third Annual New York Digital Salon 1995
An international juried competition, will take place in New York City and on the
Internet November 13 - 27, 1995.
- Welcome to the Void
Welcome to the place that is no place... the time that is no time. The place were cyberspace intersects your reality, where all things are possible with a click of the mouse.
- Who's Got the
A collaborative web project from the MFA Computer Art Program at the School for Visual Arts, New York City -- This site is currently experience cutural difficulties and it is providing an excellent guide about censorship.
- The Works -- Art in a Digital Age
Showing artworks by working artists. Conventional and experimental forms.
- Zero Tolerance
an Interactive Art-Webserver
- David Zwirneri Gallery
43 Greene Street, New York, NY 10013
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