When the going gets tough, punt.
jacobson@is.nyu.edu (04-12-96)
When you don't understand, don't tell the truth.
fly@flyvision.org (04-12-96)
If in doubt, lie.
paul.papadopoulos@ac.com (03-29-96)
When clueless, pretend.
UnBacio@aol.com (03-26-96)
Hamlet wasn't all that sure about it either.
Jan.DePauw@ping.be (03-24-96)
I have a bad feeling about Copenhagen.
jk@blueskyprod.com (03-24-96)
I hear something fishy in the State of Denmark
jacobson@is.NYU.EDU (03-18-96)
Synaesthesia was in the air...
fly@flyvision.org (03-18-96)
As the ear spoke, the mouth listened...
orock@panix.com (03-15-96)
Oliver raised several interesting questions.
- How can a word be paraphrased?
- Did we ever paraphrase in the strict sense of the term?
- Have we not paraphrased the concept paraphrase?
- When a sentence is reduced to its simplest expression (a word) isn't it time to start over?
paul.papadopoulos@ac.com (03-08-96)
Of course I'm positive she did it! Somebody told me.
UnBacio@aol.com (03-07-96)
I guess you could assume he's about as deaf as a mole is blind,
but don't take my word for it.
Jan.DePauw@ping.be (03-06-96)
In this case, the audio energy waves that always pulsate around us are regretfully
diminished by shortcomings in the sensor equipment, possibly because of age, (though
this cannot be officially confirmed or disproved.).
jk@blueskyprod.com (02-05-96)
Hard of hearing.
jacobson@is.NYU.EDU (02-02-96)
Over Dose of Decibel.
fly@flyvision.org (01-23-96)
orock@panix.com (Oliver Rockwell) (01-20-96)
paul.papadopoulos@ac.com (01-18-96)
UnBacio@aol.com (12-17-95)
You're not part of the family.
Jan.DePauw@ping.be (12-16-95)
You don't belong here.
jk@blueskyprod.com (12-16-95)
What is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
jacobson@is.NYU.EDU (12-16-95)
How can a nice thing become so ugly?
fly@flyvision.org (12-16-95)
A politician makes a promise.
paul.papadopoulos@ac.com (12-14-95)
Electors are betrayed.
UnBacio@aol.com (12-14-95)
The President spit on the public.
Jan.DePauw@ping.be (12-12-95)
The Speaker sniffed at the sweepstakes prize.
jk@blueskyprod.com (12-12-95)