The god of speed and distant messages, a travelers hood above his shining eyes, his slender staff held out in front of him, and little wings fluttering at his ankle; and on his left arm, barely touching it: she.
A woman so loved from one lyre there came more lament than from all lamenting women; that a whole world of lament arose, in which all nature reappeared: forest and valley, road and village, field and stream and animal; and that around this lament-world, even as around the other earth, a sun revolved and a silent star-filled heaven, a lament- heaven, with its own, disfigured stars- So greatly was she loved.
But now she walked beside the graceful god, her steps constricted by the trailing graveclothes, uncertain, gentle, and without impatience. She was deep within herself, like a woman heavy with child, and did not see the man in front or the path ascending steeply into life. Deep within herself. Being dead filled her beyond fufilment. Like a fruit suffused with its own mystery and sweetness, she was filled with her vast death, which was so new, she could not understand that it had happened.
She had come into a new virginity and was untouchable; her sex had closed like a young flower at nightfall, and her hands had grown so unused to marriage that the god's infinitely gentle tough of guidance hurt her, like an undesired kiss.
She was no longer that woman with blue eyes who once had echoed through the poet's songs, no longer the wide couch's scent and island, and that man's property no longer.
She was already loosened like long hair, poured like fallen rain, shared like a limitless supply.
She was already root.
And when, abruptly, the god put out his hand to stop her, saying, with sorrow in his voice: He has turned around- she could not understand, and softly answered Who?
Far away dark before the shining exit-gates, someone or other stood, whose features were unrecognizable. He stood and saw how, on the strip of road among the meadows, with a mournful look, the god of messages silently turned to follow the small figure already walking back along the path, her steps constricted by the trailing graveclothes, uncertain, gentle, and without impatience.
--Rainer Maria Rilke--
09-14-1999 3:40 PM - mangoil at (Kelly Sheridan)
she's a feminist
Her favorite web site is She didn't know
people were so obsessed with her. She'd rather not know because it makes
her sick. She ignores strangers who stare at her and wishes they'd go to
hell. She's like Jackie O. Why does being private turn people's
interest into obsession? She likes few people as much as she likes being
alone. Most people bore her. The people she likes develop their minds.
She enjoys growing older..
05-09-1997 2:26 PM - sjacoby at (Suzanne J Jacoby)
I saw her recently under a picnic table in Stanley Park. She was frightfully pale and the tip of her left index finger was missing. I was suprised to see that she had died her eyebrows red and was affecting a Brooklyn accent.
01-03-1997 12:18 PM - aperson at (A. Pearson)
We just returned from Zaire. We saw Euridice at a village celebration
somewhere in the jungle, dancing and singing. She really could fly; high
jumps. African beauty, long face, wide nose, thick rich lips, white
teeth, long neck, short hair.
(T. Brown Jr., Vancouver)
She was there ! This Aborigian young girl, of no more than 16 eyars old.
She was with her father, fishing with an arrow. Wide face, black eyes,
messy hair.
4-26-96 - (Ben Broderick, Sidney, Australia)
Hello Orpheus mio amore ! I was looking for you in Rio after the
Carnivale. I hope you really are alive, and paying nostra Samba. Look for
me sul Corso.
(Euridicia, Rio de Janeiro)
The spirit of Euridice visited Bergen Community College on 4/16/96.
Her spirit descended upon a red-haired young man as he gazed at a
beautiful girl during a concert. This girl was the total embodiment of Euridice
in character and sight. He was smitten by love and frustration because he is
enrolled in the same course, but a different section of "music art and
drama." He has no way to contact the woman who is now the desire of
his affection. He knows she will be at the concert. This woman, the
embodiment of Euridice is a brunette named Sue Allegretta. Her eyes are brown.
Her heart is made of gold. Does she return his affection? Maybe
she'll ask. His name is Steve Gallipoli. This is a true happening.
May the spirit of Euridice help these two young people.
Mon, 29 Apr 1996 14:52 - (Paramus, NJ)
At an Indian outpost near Rigina, I saw the true Euridice. Slim, dark
skinned, Indian beauty, full of pride Siuox young girl.
(Nancy T., Toronto)
"L'unica cosa della quale sia certo, e il suo sguardo triste, la sua
espressione sempre bella e delicata, ma che e li li per sgretolarsi.
Ella non stava mai al sole. Sempre nascosta dietro a qualsiasi cosa le
potesse fare ombra. Guardandola, il tempo aveva una strana tendenza a
rallentare la sua corsa. Gli uccelli volavano senza fare rumore.
Si, e una rappresentazione fisica della tristezza"
"The only thing I know for sure, is her sad looking face, her still beautiful
and gentle expression, that always seemed to be about to collapse.
She never stayed in the sun. Always hidden behind anything that could make
some shadow. Staring at her, time seemed to slow down. Birds were flying
Yes, she is a physical performance of sadness".
Tue, 23 Apr 1996 00:49 - unbacio at (Piero Manara)
Euridice is the carrier of humankind's collective knowledge. When she
speaks, her breath resonates with the energy of ancient wisdom. Her
presence is at once immediate and distant, and each step she takes
echoes in the hearts of those around her. Thus, she appears to be a
very different person to each one, as she is a mirror of humanity, of
its history, its dreams and its pain. With each gesture she makes our
thoughts and spirit, opening a thousand doors to our past and our
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Carlos Delgado
Is Euridice a bird, a bullet, an airplain ? I was just trying to find
out a possible description that could associate Euridice to something
other than a female human figure. I think that leaving "Who is
Euridice ?" to the audience's imagination would be a nice thing to do.
Also, the performance could set clues about "Who si Euridice", of
something that could possibly assume other shapes than a female human
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Carlos Guedes
I think I saw her in a fashion show in New York. She was wearing a
magenta and black evening gown with a rose ornament in her hair. She
wore black suede pumps. Her hair was up in a bun and her make-up was
very dramatic. Her eyes liner was dark and her lipstick was magenta.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Tiffany Brooks
She is so thin and looks very pail with her dark long hair. However
her deep blue longing eyes are sparking for her forever lover.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Young Mi Ha
She is a sexy woman with long red curly hair. She always wears her
hair with French roll loosely.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Chein Yu Chang
I spotted Euridice. She was squatting near a stoop on Ludlow Street.
Her hair was short and spikey and platinum blonde. She wore a bone
through her nose and was requesting donations in order to use the
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Philip Pares
I believe my family had Euridice in our house about a decade ago: We
had a Siamese cat named after her. I think she was capable of assuming
the form of any creature, not just humans. Most of our cats have had a
goddess-like demeanor to them, and our cat Euridice, personified taht
to a great extent. Euridice graced my family with her presence in the
guise of our wise and well-mannered (but strong-willed) Siamese cat.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Donald Sanborn III
She is your inspiration. She is the pain of love that givesyou a
reason to continue singing. Even when she was with you, you were
constantly in search of her essence. But when wanted so much to posses
her, taht ultimately she was lost to you. And after you won her back,
you wanted so badly to be sure of her, that you looked back, and lost
her again. And so you will always be in search of her, and it is this
longing that fuels your art.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Linda Kernohan
She has silver wings, purple eyes (which allow her to see in the
dark), green fingers and toe nails. She rides a black stalion through
SoHo at night, and keeps her long beautiful hlonde hair tied back with
a bow.
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 - Christopher Owens
On my way back from Jordan, there was a group of tourists taking
pictures. The bus slowed down, and I saw this striking looking young
woman. For a second the wind uncovered her face, and yes, I think she
was Euridice. She had long and beautiful brown eyes, with very
pronounced eyebrows, a thin aristocratic nose. On her left cheek she
had a pronounced scar like an ovan circle. Her mouth was small, with
pronounced bright lips.
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 22:46 - Ghenagyi Voron, Israel
Euridice is an Andean girl, in the border region of Peru and Chile.
She has two very long black hear tails. Bare footed, with a broad
face, carnal lips, long neck. I think she has red, or brownish-red
eyes. She carries on her head some market produces to sell.
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:26 - Alejandro Escuer, Mexico City
Euridice is a small creature, like a little pocket doll. She has
golden long hair, and wear a Hungarian peasant hat. Diminutive,
delicate and beautifull. She danced at the August 19th International
Folk Festival in Budapest.
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:17 - Arkossy Janos, Oradea
Euridice came to the open market in Poiana Brasov, in the Carpathian
Mountains the other day. She looked like a peasant woman, she carried
a Pan Flute, a red scarf. Her eyes were wild, penetrating, of deep
blue color. The left shoulder was wider, and she looked to me like
being pregnant.
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 11:11 - Mihai G. Offenbach am Main/visiting Poiana Brasov, Romania
She has a long left breast, the other is tilted to the right, but is a
short one.
Fri, 5 Apr 1996 23:11:15 - V. Popa
Euridice a trecut prin Constanta. Avea o fusta neagra, bluza verde.
Un ochi era caprui, celalalt rosu.
(Euridice passed through Constanta. She had a black skirt, green
blouse. One brown eye, the other, red.)
Fri, 5 Apr 1996 22:56:24 - Cristina O.
I think I saw Eurydice last month at a 7-11 store. She was about 5'6"
with fierce, black eyes, and a darek complexion. Her hair was
long...almost to her waist, and she had gracefully arched eyebrows and a
sharp, but not large, nose. The only distinguishing feature was a beauty
mark on her right cheek.
Mon, Mar 25, 1996 12:54 PM EDT - gilbert at (John Gilbert)
She is fairly dark skin, pony tails, wear a tunic (ethnic motives), and
high peasant boots.
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 15:39:17 - ghezzo at (Dinu Ghezzo)
Did you see her?