June Houston
Selected publications, awards and shows
selected print:
- Hotlist By Ken Goldberg
Artforum (USA). November 2001.
"Artist June Houston set up a webcam under her bed in 1995 so that others could help her watch out for ghosts. Houston's deadpan site now has thirty-one live black-and-white webcams installed in her closets and basement. Thousands of loyal sentries e-mail detailed reports of what they see-or believe they see. Houston's haunting problem is thus presented for group analysis. Safety in numbers!"
- CosmoGIRL! (USA). August 2001.
- Le rËgne de la dČlation optique By Paul Virilio
Le Monde Diplomatique (France). August 1998.
- For a Philosopher, the Net Is a Whole New Perspective By Bruno Giussani
New York Times (USA). December 9, 1997.
- Spies Like Us!
NetPro (USA). July 1997. p.7.
"Stargazing is nice, but ghost hunting is even better.
Use a spycam to catch poltergeists in action."
- Kook.com by Joel Stein
Time Digital (USA). June 1997. p.45.
- Our need to know, now, suggests Internet will last.
Houston Chronicle (Business
Computing section) article by Cheryl Currid (Texas, USA). Sunday, May 25, 1997.
"...videocams take random pictures of various areas of the Web owner's house. The idea is to spot ghosts and report back if you see something. The number and imagination of the watchers is amazing."
The article is discussing the need that employers may have in addressing issues of what is or isn't acceptable activity on company time.
- GhostWatcher.
Netsurf (France). May 1997.
- The Weird Wide Web: GhostWatcher.
(USA). May 1997.
- GhostWatcher.
(Singapore). May 1997.
- GhostWatcher.
Globo Ciencia (Brazil). March 1997.
- GhostWatcher: ghosts on the Internet.
Ming Pao (Hong Kong). December 1996.
- Fourth Annual New York Digital Salon Catalog
Leonardo Special Issue (MIT Press, USA). Vol. 29 Number 5. November 1996. p.464.
- Nova Catalog
Radio Nova (Paris, France). November 1996. p.??.
- Worldwide Watching by Ron White
PC Computing Volume 9 Number 11 (USA). November 1996. p.375.
"This may be it--the little gem for which you endure so much schlock." (four stars)
- SOS Fantomes: GhostWatcher filme des spectres... virtuels by Thomas Cazals
Technikart Numero 6 (France). October 1996. p.78.

- Best Gadgets Wired to the Web
YAHOO Internet Life Volume 2 Number 3 (USA). July/August 1996 p.80.

- Smile, you're on Internet camera by Larry Krumenaker
Internet World (USA). April 1996 p.86.
- GhostWatcher
The Net Directory Issue #6 (UK). July/Dec. 1995 p.21.
art shows:
- Flyvision Expo 97
GhostWatcher selected for this show.
Gallery Pierre Nouvion (Principality of Monaco). Feb 18 to Mar 28, 1997.
- Fourth Annual New York Digital Salon
GhostWatcher presented in the Net-Works of the Digital Salon.
Visual Arts Museum (NY, USA). Nov 11 to Dec 6, 1996.
TeeVee shows:
- Report on WebCams
TVOntario (Canada): Feb. 25, 1998.
- Cyber Cafe in America
BBC (UK): Dec. 11, 1997.
- NetTalk Live: GhostWatcher
USA: Oct. 31, 1997.
- Branch*: GhostWatcher
French show. In Quebec: Jun 9, 1997.
- Fashion Television 12K: GhostWatcher at Fourth Annual New York Digital Salon
- GhostWatcher
NHK (Japan). Dec 1, 1996.
- Go.com Computer.
GO Awards. April 1, 1999.
JASBITS Top Five Netcams
jas.com (USA). Feb. 19, 1998.
Best of the Web Award
www.okaneku.com (USA). Jan. 12, 1998.
The Best from TECHSHOW 97: Sixty Sites (Approximately) in Sixty Minutes
TECHSHOW 97 (USA). Jan, 1998.
Mystery Selection of the Week
infinit.net/bluezone (USA). Nov. 10, 1997.
The Paraweb official award
theparaweb.com (USA). Nov. 10, 1997.
The Mining Company
miningco.com (USA). Oct. 20, 1997.
Net-Talk Live
nettalklive.com (USA). Oct. 10, 1997.
Q-tip award
jbrenner.ne.mediaone.net (USA). Sept. 13, 1997.
- Pii's HotSite Award
www.alex.oaktree.co.uk (UK). August 18, 1997.
- No idea what the title is (chinese reader required)
cyberway.com.sg (Singapore). May 15, 1997.
- Realtime Camera Paradise: Camera of the week
wildweb.de (Germany). Wed, Apr 2, 1997.
- Tres Bizarre, the stranger side of the web
Dave Solko (USA). Wed, Apr 2, 1997.
- Digital Camera Network: Webcam of the day
dnc.com (USA). Fri, Mar 21, 1997.
![[DCN Webcam of the Day!]](pix/webcamawardwhite.gif)
- NetGuide's Gold Site. The Gold Award recognizes Web sites that meet NetGuide's
stringent criteria for overall excellence.
NetGuide has screened over 100,000 URLs and reviewed more than 50,000 sites
and our Gold Award goes to only 15,000 of the Web's best sites.
netguide.com (USA). Jan. 21, 1997.
The "GhostWatcher" web site was nominated and has been Awarded the
"Mystic Site of the Web Award of Excellence."
The Mystic Site of the Web Award exists exclusively for the benefit of the Mystical and Occult Communities on the Internet. Its sole purpose is to provide a means of recognition for a Web Site's Achievement and service to the community.
Your Award Winning Web Site has proven to be among the very finest of an Mystical or Occult nature on the Internet and has demonstrated both Excellence in Design and provides a critical resource to Mystics and Occultists Worldwide.
The Mystic Site of the Web Award of Excellence is given without preference to any specific Mystical or Occult Tradition (Eastern or Western) as the primary concern is what a web site has offered and the way in which it is presented.
AvatarSearch.com (USA). Tuesday Dec. 24, 1996.
- Earthcam Top Ten
Earthcam.com (USA). Tue, Oct 8, 1996.

- Prodigy's Living Digital: Site of the Day
Prodigy (USA). September 30, 1996.
- Nirvanet Site of the Week
www.nirvanet.com (France). September 12, 1996.
- GhostWatcher
Screen Machine (France). September 1996.
- Flagtower
Flagtower (UK). August 28, 1996.
- Michael Kashmanian's Halloween Page
Michael Kashmanian (USA). August 20, 1996.
- GameSpot HotSpot
GameSpot (USA). August 16, 1996.
- The Web Is Watching: A Tour of Internet Cameras
Washington Post (USA). August 7, 1996.
- Best Gadgets Wired to the Web
YAHOO Internet Life Volume 2 Number 3 (USA). July/August 1996.
- 'Zookeeper's Pet' site of the week
Zookeeper's Pet (USA). June 9, 1996.